
08 May 2017

farewell from tanzania with love!

This is our last blog post from Tanzania. Whoa. Just need to let that sink in for a moment.

After 3.5 years, it is time for us to get on a jet plane and traverse the nearly 8,000 miles back to the United States. Our time living and working as Maryknoll Lay Missioners in East Africa has been the most formative of our lives. No joke. Physically, mentally, spiritually...we are not the same people who crossed the ocean in those early days of 2014. And we think that is a good thing (parasites and extreme weight loss aside). From the beginning our goal was to immerse ourselves in the reality of life as Jesus did, and we want to continue to live with that approach wherever we may go.

This blog has touched on about 1% of our experiences in Tanzania. If we tried to fill you in on the other 99% we might just all collectively freak out. Instead, we leave you with some parting thoughts from the country we have been so fortunate to call home these past few years.