
22 August 2016

the fruit of my work at the LULU project.

Every year in early August, a group of American visitors comes to Tanzania for about two weeks to learn about the work that we do as Maryknoll Lay Missioners and to discern what role they could play in our mission, whether that be becoming a missioner themselves or donating to the cause.

I always find the visits to be refreshing and invigorating, mostly because visitors see all experiences in Tanzania with such fresh eyes. For us, after almost three years, so much of life here has become mundane and routine. Even thinking of something to write up on this blog has become a struggle, evidenced by the downtick in blog postings!

Yet this year, in addition to being inspired by the observations of our Friends Across Borders (FAB) visitors, I was equally inspired by my own LULU young women.

08 August 2016

wait, what are those crazy leen's up to now?

There is never a dull moment in Tanzania. Every day in East Africa is an adventure and the adventures are about to continue - we've got a bunch of news to share with you so get stoked!