
23 November 2015

giving made easy.

Our ministry as Maryknoll Lay Missioners living and working with the poor and marginalized in Tanzania is made possible by the generosity of friends, family and even complete strangers. These really amazing people pray for us, send us chocolate, mail us letters, and contribute financially to ensure we are able to remain in mission, doing the work that we do.

To those who have already given, who to continue to give, and who will give in the future - thank you!

We believe that giving should be straight forward and transparent. To better help our generous donors understand how their gifts to our Ministry Account with Maryknoll Lay Missioners are being used, we have updated the Support page on our blog. Now, you and other donors can see the costs required to carry out our work, including our recently introduced scholarship program for young Tanzanian women and their children. This way, you can cater the size of your monetary gift to a specific element of our work that most interests you.

09 November 2015

why are we still here?

As Maryknoll Lay Missioners, we get some perks that, in our former life, we didn't see much of. True, our life is busier but we have a lot more autonomy and flexibility over our schedules than we did at our old jobs. There's greater respect for work-life balance. And what we've been soaking up lately has been our vacation days solely dedicated to retreats.

Um, what?

palm tree on the beach of lake victoria at papa's mwanza.