
18 May 2015

mtv cribz: the (second) tanzanian house tour.

Is anyone else out there experiencing deja vu upon seeing that title? I sure am! How fast a year flies by… 

Earlier this year, we began to discern moving to a new area of Mwanza. Through the course of a few months, we felt solid in our decision: we wanted to move to our first actual “home” in Mwanza, a neighborhood called Mabatini or “The Place of the Tin Roofs.” Catchy, no?

11 May 2015

i think it's time for a party.

Lots o' things have been happening in the life of Ashley and Michael these days, as we've taken on the move to a new house. Painting, fumigating, electric work - you name it, we've been busy making it happen. Last weekend, though, we took a day to say good-bye to the kids in our first neighborhood who were a big part of our lives.

We're pretty sure they enjoyed it, too.

04 May 2015

poverty can really mess you up.

"What are you doing? Stop that! Leave me alone! You don't understand at all, do you? What's wrong with you? GO AWAY!"

This is me, yelling on the street at Tanzanians. Way. Too. Often.

These are not my finest moments. So what gives?