
16 December 2013

another step closer to tanzania!

You know how time flies when you're having fun? Well folks, our ten-week Orientation Program in Ossining, NY with Maryknoll Lay Missioners has come to an end. And it sure flew by!

there are way too many iterations of this weird pic floating around the internet

12 December 2013

wrapping it up in new york.

As Christmas day approaches, Michael and I find our lives (and our program here at Maryknoll) gradually slowing down. Which is nice. The last nine weeks have been a blur, leaving both of us feeling slightly similar to chickens with their heads cut off. (Not a great mental image.)

what usually happens as a result of our running...

09 December 2013

let's talk about feelings for a moment.

In Ashley's last blog post, she began with "folks, it's official" in reference to buying our plane tickets to Tanzania. Woohoo!

qatar airways…flying us from chicago to doha, and doha to nairobi

05 December 2013

we're leaving on a jet plane - soon!

Folks, it's official! Michael and I have purchased one-way tickets from Chicago, Illinois to Mwanza, Tanzania, leaving on January 3rd! We can't believe we are less than one month away from departing the U.S. of A.

look, we all have something to be proud of!

02 December 2013

good day, dorothy!

One of the benefits of living on the Maryknoll campus is easy access to multiple libraries - the Fathers and Brothers have a library, the Sisters have a library, and the Lay Missioners have a library. Books are everywhere!

come on people - read a book!

Well, I just finished reading All Is Grace: A Biography of Dorothy Day by Jim Forest, and found it really fascinating. So I decided to blog about it.