
31 October 2013

quick update on life!

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you a short blog post on the randomness of our life. First off, who can believe it's already the last day of October? What the what? Happy Halloween/eating candy/carving pumpkins to all!

the benefit of having your own children at halloween...

Up at Maryknoll this week, we have been busy bees with a little thing called Dialogue Education. We've been learning how to be facilitators of workshops in our soon-to-be communities - something that will be incredibly important to our work in Tanzania.

yay for dialogue education!

Although it's been fun, it's been incredibly tiring. Michael and I both stayed up until midnight last night to finish our projects. This is usually the time I set aside for some hardcore blogging - thus, no blogging was done. Sad day.

The good news: we're wrapping up Dialogue Education tomorrow to have a fun filled week ahead! We leave Saturday morning to hit up the Big Apple and spend about 24 hours with some dear friends in Manhattan. Then, we're grabbing a Megabus to Washington D.C. to spend almost a week there with these folks: the Franciscan Mission Service, the Comboni Lay Program, and the Society of Missioners in African Missions. Oh, and we get to see more amazing friends from our past lives while in DC as well!

don't worry, mom! we'll be safe!

Have a lovely weekend dear ones! If you have any questions about our current life, feel free to ask! Who knows? It could turn into an inspiring blog post, all because of you!

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